Acoat selected

A global partner program

Created in Europe in 1975 as a program to ensure long term success and viability of our Sikkens customers, Acoat® selected was the industry’s first business development program for collision repair centers. Today, Acoat® selected is a mark of distinction where it has been embraced by leading bodyshops since 2001. With over two thousand Partners worldwide, Acoat® selected is synonymous with “best in class” collision repairers.

Komitment Kami

AkzoNobel Sikkens memiliki konsultan yang didedikasikan dan fokus pada pengembangan bengkel bodi repair.

Keuntungan untuk pelanggan adalah:

  • Kami mengerti bisnis Anda dan tantangan yang Anda hadapi
  • Kami peduli terhadap kesuksesan bisnis Anda
  • Kami memiliki pengalaman yang berkaitan dengan pemecahan masalah di industri ini
  • Kami adalah team yang dapat Anda percaya

Optimize Your Business

Ask your Akzo Nobel Sales Representative or Acoat® selected Consultant for a copy of the Acoat® selected Agreement today so you can begin experiencing the benefits from our vast assortment of business enhancing services!

Visit our official Acoat Selected Website to find out more

See our Acoat Selected Network members

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